I will


Care Giving for Dementia I will Episode 73 I come to you again this week with yet another poem from a Face book group that I had joined. The poem or saying that was posted was posted by Michelle DeSocio. The saying is as follows. I will When you forget I will remember for the both of us When you get lost I will find you When you are sad I will be sad with you When the fear comes I will comfort you When you cry I will dry your tears When you lash out at me I will not be angry When you repeat I will have patience When you forget my name I will understand When you can’t eat I will feed you When your legs fail I will carry you When you long for home I will be your safe place When your journey is ending I will be by your side I will love you for eternity I will I talk a good bit in the podcast about Mama being sad. She seems to be said so much. She cries out of the blue for absolutely no reason at all and I tell her, there’s no reason to cry. I do my best not to get angry when she lashes out at us, but I fail miserably at times. Mama has already forgotten my name and I do understand, although it does hurt. There are times when Mama can’t feed herself. Now I’m not sure if that is the dementia or if it’s her Parkinson’s, but there are times when she can’t feed herself and we do start to feed her and that she try so desperately to take over at times. Sometimes she can and sometimes she can’t. Mamas legs of already failed or she can no longer walk. She can barely stand up by herself, so we have to move her wherever she needs to go. And yes, Mama also is one that lingers for home, but I’m not sure if that is her thinking that she’s in a nursing home. Perhaps and she’s wanting to come back here to the house or is that she wants to go back to West Virginia, where she is originally from. I am not sure. I don’t even want to think about, mama’s journey ending. I don’t want to think about the day that Mama is no longer in the living room. No longer with us to tell her I love her, even after you she’s gone. I will love her for eternity. Just because they’re gone, you don’t stop loving them.

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