The Effects of Dementia

Episode # 82

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This episode is about some feelings I have after reading some Facebook support group posts. Some news from a very old friend that reinforces the thought that dementia kills. I also asked the question whether or not we are taking care Mama correctly or not.

A lot of times I get into the support groups on Facebook and the post that some people make often get me upset after reading them, because those post are sometimes nothing more than complaining about every day, normal things that happen when your caregiving for someone. Often times I forget the ones that are caregiving for someone else’s loved one. Although at the time, it does not stop me from getting upset.

I’ve received some news from a very old friend that I haven’t talked to since I have been 17 years old that just reinforces the fact that dementia kills. I learned about 3 months ago that this friend’s mother had dementia unfortunately she lost her battle with dementia on Monday night. I reached out to the old friend and we had approximately and hours conversation. About her mom and how things were going with her dad, now that her mom had passed.

While caregiving for someone, you always have in the back to your mind. The question is this right, in my taking care of this person correctly? Should I or shouldn’t I do this. These are questions that only you can answer as your taking care of the one that you’re taking care of your the only one that knows whether or not it would be easier for you or easier for them with your decisions.

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